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losume brings the ultimate ‘swipe-right’ level of convenience for local-businesses and consumers who prefer support their own economy.

Like a local omni-channel for the ‘80% of consumers who prefer source local rather online (LEO / Amarach) To challenge unsustainable levels of direct imports. The lo-tech, lo-effort app demonstrates an alternative channel to the currently monopolised internet providing brick-and-mortar owners a little more confidence in the future of retail.


Many people are led to believe our future towns and villages will be ‘F & B’ + ‘Vanity’ (food beverage & personal services) and “everything else will be delivered direct”. Remember the fossil-fuel industry scientists? Their detrimental impact is now upon us. Founder and ex retailer Ronan Gilroy believes we cannot take for granted the value and importance, indigenous shops provide for vitality within our towns and villages.

An Irish Model

Ireland’s tourism industry also feeds of the uniqueness and character our towns mostly still offer, contrast this with the retail chain-ification of the UK high streets. Spending in local stores provides your economy an additional 64-80% value, with chain stores it’s about 14%, but with online giants the value is negative. 


Because the average local store’s website performance is perpetually disadvantaged by big-online most local retailers understandably cannot maintain a digital version of their product line meaning a physically visit is necessary. There’s thousands of potential customers who don’t have the ability, means, time or cost.

“It’s sad to witness the levels of dereliction and vacancy, the only new shops opening are poor quality and merely reactive property-owners avoiding vacancy taxes.”

We are delighted to have reached pilot stage after three years of development. If you know someone who wants a challenge? please share -say hello, send feedback, send euros! or volunteer?

Ronan James Mark & Jo